Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Co.
Mutual Aid
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Recent Calls

Vehicle Fire
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 (9:30 am) - The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Company was toned-out for a vehicle fire on Elman Street in the Village of Broadalbin. Units responded.
The Perth Volunteer Fire Company was also toned-out. Police were also dispatched.
A BKFC Incident Commander advised other responding units from both fire companies to "standby at the station".

Structure Fire
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 (9:34 pm) - The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Company was toned-out for a possible structure fire on Honeywell Corners Road in the Town of Broadalbin. Units responded.
The Perth Volunteer Fire Company was also toned-out. Police and Lake Valley EMS also responded.
The call was upgraded to a "fully-involved structure fire". A BKFC Incident Commander asked for an engine and tanker from Perth. The Mayfield Fire Department, Berkshire Fire Department, and Fulton County Emergency Management Office all responded to the scene.
Galway, at first, was on standby for Broadalbin at the BKFC station. Hagaman was on standby for Perth. National Grid was summoned to the scene.
BKFC Fire Police closed down Honeywell Corners Road. The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Auxiliary provided support to all responders on the scene. The Town of Broadalbin Highway Department tended to the road near the scene to make it safe for responders.
Perth also sent their ladder truck. The Town of Perth responded to the scene with an excavator. In addition to the Galway Volunteer Fire Company, the Providence Volunteer Fire Department and Edinburg Volunteer Fire Company also provided Mutual Aid, to the scene, from Saratoga County.
After clearing the scene, Perth was on standby for Broadalbin. The fire is under investigation...

Fire Service Call
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 (7:28 pm): FIRE SERVICE CALL - The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Company was toned-out due to a neighbor reporting a propane tank next door was "making noises" and that there was a smell of gas in the area on North Street in the village. Units responded.

Structure Fire
Saturday, February 1, 2025 (9:23 pm) - The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Company was toned-out for a structure fire on Stevers Mills Road in the Town of Broadalbin. Units responded.
It was initially called in as a shed fire, but then upgraded to a house on fire as well. Police, the Perth Volunteer Fire Company, Fulton County Emergency Management, and Lake Valley EMS also responded.
A BKFC Incident Commander requested Mutual Aid from the Mayfield Fire Department and Berkshire Volunteer Fire Department confirming a "fully-involved structure fire" upon arrival.
There was a report of a propane tank exposure. The Pleasant Square Fire Company, Galway Volunteer Fire Company, and Hagaman Volunteer Fire Department were called for support.
National Grid was summoned to the scene. The BKFC Fire Police and BKFC Fire Auxiliary provided scene support.

Mutual Aid Chimney Fire
Saturday, February 1, 2025 (10:25 am) - The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Company and Perth Volunteer Fire Company were both toned-out for a Structure Fire/Chimney Fire at the Perth Fitness Center on Perth Fitness Road in the Town of Perth. Units from both fire companies responded.
It was reported that all occupants were out of the building, which was filled with a lot of smoke, but no visible flames. Broadalbin sent Tanker #221 and an ETA (Engine/Tanker Apparatus) with manpower to the scene.
Photos courtesy of Perth Firefighter Mike Quinn approved by an officer of the Perth Volunteer Fire Company.

Fire Service Call
Friday, January 31, 2025 (9:35 am) - The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Company was toned-out for a fire service call based on a complaint of a possible propane leak at a residence on North Main Street in the village. Units responded.
Caller advised they'd just received a delivery of propane. BKFC firefighters closed the valve and summoned the propane company back to the scene.

Structure Fire
Wednesday, January 29, 2025 (9:25 pm) - The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Company was toned-out for a possible structure fire on Kasson Lane in the Town of Broadalbin. Units responded.
Police, the Perth Volunteer Fire Company, and Lake Valley EMS were also called. The initial call advised there was smoke in the residence.
A BKFC Incident Commander advised Perth to cancel. BKFC Truck #231 was asked to continue non-emergency while all other units remained at the station. Lake Valley EMS was also advised to disregard.

Motor Vehicle Accident
Wednesday, January 29, 2025 (8:10 pm) - The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Company was toned-out for a 1-Car Motor Vehicle Accident on County Highway at the southern terminus of Lakeview Road in the Town of Broadalbin. Units responded.
An on-scene Incident Commander advised other units to hold at the BKFC station. The highway department was notified of poor road conditions.

Motor Vehicle Accident
Monday, January 27, 2025 (7:27 am) - The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Company was toned-out for a 2-Car Motor Vehicle Accident on County Highway 126 at Ridge Road in the Town of Broadalbin. Units responded.
Police on scene requested BKFC Fire Police for traffic control

Mutual Aid Structure Fire
Saturday, January 25, 2025 (7:14 pm): MUTUAL AID - The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Company was asked to provide Mutual Aid for the Edinburg Volunteer Fire Company for a Structure Fire on Hilltop Drive in the Town of Edinburg. Units responded.
BKFC was asked to send 1 ETA (Engine/Tank Apparatus).
Fulton County Fire Dispatch then advised Broadalbin to cancel per Saratoga County...

Motor Vehicle Accident
Saturday, January 25, 2025 (8:04 am) - The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Company was toned-out for a 1-Car Motor Vehicle Accident/Personal Injury on State Highway 30 at Kettle Road in the Town of Mayfield. Units responded.

Carbon Monoxide Alarm
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 (6:52 pm): - The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Company received a call for a CO (carbon monoxide) detector activation on School Street in the village. Units responded.
BKFC Firefighters used a CO meter.

2025 BKFC Officers

Meet Firefighter Brady Cotter

Special Thanks!

Meet 1st Captain Ron Miller

Meet Firefighter Kathy Rauch

Meet Lieutenant Grant Rauch
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