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Live Burn Training


The Broadalbin-Kennyetto Fire Company conducted training with the Berkshire Volunteer Fire Department at the Fulton County Public Safety Training Facility in the Town of Johnstown on Monday, November 7th.

Members from both fire companies worked on fireground procedures such as size-up, command set-up, stretching hoses, throwing ladders, rescue, and more.

Four scenarios were staged. New York State Fire Instructors were on hand to supervise real live fire situations. Firefighters from both companies combined as Suppression and Search teams. In each case, a fire was ignited in a different area of the training structure and a mock fire call was transmitted via radio with victims trapped. A Fire Suppression Team would locate and attack the seat of the fire while a Search Team would seek victims.

At the end of the exercises, everyone gathered to discuss the training. Some highlights included communication between interior firefighters and command outside the structure. Unfortunately, volunteer fire companies experience manpower shortages, so Mutual Aid Training is imperative, and the more the members work together in a training/practice situation, the better prepared they are to be successful in real-life situations.